We are lucky enough to be neighbours with Vicky in Bamburgh House (based in the centre of Newcastle). It was alongside Vicky that the gift box range came to life, and we absolutely love that her handcrafted leather purses & wallets are also in the range.
Vicky originally worked in the accessories industry for 5 years, but (luckily!) came to a point where she wanted to start up her own business. Vicky's brand really represents her as a person, and her attention to detail on every single piece is undeniable.
Tori Lo Designs has a huge focus on high quality and craftsmanship, and every item in the range is sleek & simple but incredibly timeless (sometimes with a little edge, such as colour options or tie dye effect). Vicky also completes every single step of the creative process herself, from dying the leather (no two are the same, adding even more charm), to cutting, to hand stitching each item - because so much care is taken during each stage, the finished result will endure many, many years of love and will only get better with wear.

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vivikung (Thursday, 27 December 2018 07:06)
<a href="https://www.aclya.com/wedding/engagement.html" >Aclya sapphire ring $50-$150 cheap but equally beautiful</a>