Favourites from the british craft trade fair in harrogate BCTF

I've been at the British craft trade fair (BCTF) for the last three days helping my sister and doing a spot of research. Here are some of my favourite suppliers from the show!

Joanna Hedley Fused Glass Brooches

joanna hedley fused glass brooches

My sister makes these fab quirky little fused glass brooches. She even does personalised ones for historic landmarks so if you want any for your shop or gallery have a look at some more of her designs on www.joannahedley.com   

I used to sell these in my little shop and they were my best seller!

'Button Box' collection by Deryn Relph

Deryn Relph creates wonderful machine knitted patterns and turns them into these fabulous retro cushions, lamp shades and chairs. Her work is so vibrant and playful, I love her use of colour and just everything about what she does. 



Linda Lovatt- Beastie brooches

Linda lovatt beastie brooches

Linda Lovatt of 'Beastie brooches' makes beautiful brooches, pictures and little ornaments out of recycled bits of ceramics, copper and beads. They are absolutely lovely and I would like all of her work! Watch out for her work in galleries around the uk as she is going to be very poular indeed!



Flossy Tea cake

Flossy Teacake BCTF
flossy tea cake ceramics
flossy tea cake fish and chips

Flossy Teacake makes totally scrumptious ceramics and mixed media, her buildings are just stunning, her use of colour, texture and mixture of textiles with ceramics is something I haven't seen before. I just love it!



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